Started in A Manger
These events occurred within a period of extraordinary ... a time which is different from the others. Because, in the period was a spectacular event occurs.God became man. The Divine come. Heavens opened and put the "seed" which is very valuable in the womb of a woman. ... More »Christmas: When to Give and When to Receive
"It is more blessed to give than to receive." This maxim taught continuously throughout our Christian education - more giving than receiving. Perhaps, the main focus is to not put ourselves or not a recipient, because there is an assumption which says that our nature is basically selfish. Apparently, more emphasis on giving our keberpusatan intended to compensate for yourself, but on the one hand, this can be confusing. ... More »History of Christmas
In the Western world, the birthday of Jesus Christ has been celebrated on December 25th since the year 354. This designation replaces the earlier determination date, which falls on January 6. Since then, Christians use festivals and pagan traditions that period conducted in several areas in the Middle East or Europe, as a means to get rid of these habits. ... More »Scientific Evidence: Does Archaeology Support Or Refused Biography of Jesus? (1)
There is something strange at lunch with Dr.. Jeffrey MacDonald. He sat munching bread containing fish, tuna and potato chips with ease in a meeting room at the North Carolina court. He made the comments merrily and he seemed to enjoy himself. In the other room near this room, 12 jurors were resting after hearing frightening evidence that MacDonald had killed his wife and two daughters were brutally. ... More »Scientific Evidence: Does Archaeology Support Or Refused Biography of Jesus? (2)
Consistency of a series of measuring instruments for JohnArchaeology supports the credibility of Luke, but Luke is not the only New Testament writer. I wonder about what scientists say about John, who began his gospel with the eloquence confirms the incarnation - that, "Word," or Jesus, has become a man and dwelt among us in the first Christmas. ... More »Light as bright Christmas
Christmas, Christmas, and Christmas. The term Christmas is not a term foreign to the Christian world. The term Christmas is so popular, warm, and privileged to be heard, even echoed by the churches of God at the present time each entered the month of December. Each element is involved in the church was so busy preparing for Christmas celebrations, be it a pastor, evangelist, assemblies, activists, and even the ordinary congregation. They are all involved in the preparations for the festivity and joy to welcome the celebration of Christmas. ... More »How Great His power for us who believe
God the Father sent His only begotten Son into this world, even the Lord Jesus Christ, with one goal: "to destroy (destroy) works of the devil" (1 John 3:8) and "that we might live through Him" (1 John 4 : 9). That goal is as a form of "LOVE GOD" (John 3:16). ... More »Christmas songs Bala Soldiers of Heaven
Most Christians might think that every hymn that became the song choice Christians today have become a Christian song choice since the song was created. There is a hymn that has remained popular since the creation until now, but it is not the case with "Christmas Song Army Soldiers of Heaven". ... More »Overseers Christmas
In the New Testament, the word "overseer" or "bishop" or "bishop" is "episcopus". (The word Episcopal [read: episcopal] derived from the word.) Word episcopus memunyai a rich and fascinating history. The word in English, "scope" (scope), also derived from the same word. ... More »Origin of Supernatural Birth of Jesus
Book by Alex Haley, "Roots" (Origin), touched everyone who read it, because none of offspring that can be likened to Jesus' origins. The Bible says that Jesus' mother contains only the intervention of the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit without the involvement of men. No sexual contact occurred before conception or birth, because Joseph "did not have intercourse with her until she gave birth to son" (Matthew 1:25). This implies the absence of a physical union between God and Mary, or the conception and childbirth are not uncommon, which is found in ancient mythology. ... More »Merry Christmas
Is It Christmas?"Christmas" means born. So the celebration of Christmas is the celebration of the birth (the presence of God in the flesh) of Jesus in the world. The word Christmas is not found in Scripture, but the birth of Jesus, the Son of God, the Son of Man and, the Word, was foretold by the prophets, 700's of years before was fulfilled. The prophet Isaiah prophesied "has been" born but still 700 years ahead. Not only are his birth, even torture and death were prophesied in detail the use of words "crushed" (was bruised). The Prophet Zechariah also prophesied about the vehicle in which Jesus, the donkey. ... More »The birth of the Son of Dara
The doctrine of the virgin birth of Christ states that the birth of Christ is the result of a miracle that happened to Mary. The virgin Mary conceived a child by the power of the Holy Spirit, without the participation of a father. Miraculous birth of Christ told us about the nature that He has. His birth from a woman indicates that He is truly human and to be equal with us. Humanity of Christ is not the same with us, because we are born with original sin we are, while Christ is not the case. ... More »Christmas songs memento Bethlehem
Bethlehem lies the village not far from the city of Jerusalem. Since the first, the village occupies a special position in history. David, the greatest king in biblical times, came from Bethlehem. Several centuries after the reign of King David, the prophet Micah speaks the words of the Lord: "But thou, O Bethlehem Ephrath, O the smallest among the families of Judah, from you shall rise up for me one who will rule Israel, whose goings are from old , since ancient times "(Micah 5:1). ... More »The Birth of Jesus Christ
(18) The birth of Jesus Christ is the case: When Mary, the mother, was betrothed to Joseph, before they have intercourse, then I saw Mary was pregnant than Rohulkudus. ... More »Jesus According to the Book of Micah
He attended his birth in the News"But you, O Bethlehem Ephrath, O smallest among the clans of Judah, from you shall rise up for me one who will rule Israel, whose goings are from old, from ancient days." (Micah 5:2) ... more »The mission of Jesus to the World
Basic philosophy of Jesus Christ of EvangelismBasic philosophy of Jesus Christ of evangelism actually revolves around an understanding of himself and his mission. Barrage of personal understanding of Jesus and his mission can be seen in the explanation below. ... More »His name Magic
That said, there are a couple who named their daughter by the name of Sri Rezeki. They hope that his future has a lot of sustenance. However, when she was only eighteen years old entered, Sri Rezeki forced to marry because it was pregnant out of wedlock. Like it or not approve the marriage of his parents. The fate of their daughter contrary to expectations when they named her daughter. Their daughter turned out a failure. Instead of abundant sustenance, instead he deserted sustenance. ... More »Christmas Tree Project
The plan is basically quite simple. Baptist Church in Stockton, California, would put a 2 meter tall Christmas tree near the pulpit. Ornaments for the tree was made by Sunday School children. At the rear, each ornament is listed surname or names of people who need help. Congregation of the Baptist Church with the voluntary will "adopt" one of these underprivileged families during the Christmas season. ... More »How Welcoming the arrival of Baby Jesus
"... Do not be afraid, I'm preaching to you great joy for all the people: to you is born this day a Savior, who is Christ the Lord, in the city of David." (Luke 2:10-11) ... more »Mystery of the Manger
One of the most puzzling fact of Christmas is that God came to earth in the flesh and was born in a stable. Why? As the author of peace he can have a palace, but he did not do it. There is no single thing in the Bible occurred by chance. Each event is recorded to have a specific purpose. God wants to teach us some important lessons through the birth of Christ in a way that's despicable. ... More »Read the Christmas story with a Loud Voice
"Now pray the song of praise to God, You are all in this place, And with true love and brotherhood, mutual Each spoon." (Song: God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen) ... more »He kept his promise
This event occurred when I was 13 years old and is very difficult for me to tell it to others at that time. But now, 10 years later, it became the most memorable Christmas I can not forget. ... More »Most Memorable Christmas
But, I think the most memorable Christmas is usually associated with specific points in the family, such as reunions, separations, births, and even death. Maybe that's why Christmas in 1960 recorded clearly in my memory. ... More »My Christmas Miracle
For most people, there is one Christmas that stands out among the others, such as Christmas day that shines brightly.Although not guessed it, Christmas is "true" I started on one day, in the spring in the darkest years of my life. Recently divorced, I was in the age of 20, does not have a job, and on the way to get around the city center to the employment offices. I have no umbrella because the old one was damaged and I can not afford to buy a new one. I sat in the carriage and under the umbrella of the seat looks a beautiful silk fabric with a gray handle email plated gold color that shines brightly. I never saw this beautiful umbrella. ... More »The Shepherd
Nats: You will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger (Luke 2:12)Reading: Luke 2:8-20An angel across Jerusalem, the center of religious activities in Israel. He did not go to Herodium, Herod's villa in nearby Bethlehem. Instead he appeared to the shepherds who were keeping their flocks (Luke 2:8,9).At that time, nobody thought that Alah will be attracted to the shepherds, or vice versa, the shepherds will be attracted to God. The shepherds ituterkenal time as the people who are not religious. By their rabbis equated with prostitutes and "the sinners" other. They are the dregs of society who were removed by the clergy and respectable society. The shepherd was thinking that God will not accept them, so they were afraid of Him. ... More »Gifts Christmas Eve
On December 24, the telephone rang our house in California."Hello," I."Christmas Eve Gift!" A voice from Forth Worth, Texas."Oh, Aunt Butis, aunt caught me! Bibi won!" I said. ... More »A Special Christmas Gift
"What?" I asked when entering the kitchen and saw my father sitting at the table. Gray head resting on his hand. On Saturday, I stopped in to visit my father. This habit I did after my mother's death a year ago. When he heard my voice, my father looked up. "I need to see a doctor. I do not feel well.""But, Doctor Halloway was out of town," I said. "He would have told you in church last Sunday. He will spend Christmas with fishing." ... More »A manger, a handful of straw
One cave, manger, a handful of straw, two-tailed beast; donkeys and cows. That time, place and circumstances chosen by Divine Providence to start the Christian era. A mother is poor, the pious fathers, in swaddling clothes are cheap, a little boy, cage, manger. We are in the middle of winter and in the middle of the night. ... More »Happy New Year!
The following article contains some important staple in the lives of teachers in connection with his duties as an educator and lecturer. Through the questions given the teachers can make an assessment for the development of themselves and their students. Well, please put into practice, we are sure you will get benefits.Usually by the end of the day-to-day look back at the past. These actions can help pengerja once for Sunday School. Based on this assessment we can learn a lot about ourselves as pengerja-pengerja, the habit of teaching, and about our students. ... More »Creating Diverse Christmas Ornament
Typical Christmas colors are: red, green, silver, and gold. For that in making the Christmas ornaments we can combine materials that have color as mentioned above.
Leaf Pine wreaths
Wreaths are a large ring-shaped ornament that is usually mounted on the door.
Materials: Some of the evergreen leaf stalk, threads of gold or silver, red tape, small bells.
... More »Preparing for the Sunday School Christmas event
Christmas is a time to look forward to by children. Since childhood, children learn that Christmas Day has special meaning. Their understanding will not necessarily true Christmas, because Christmas for young children often synonymous with the party and the many gifts and events of interest.Since the "attraction" that is, Christmas Day is an opportunity for a Sunday school teacher for preaching the Word of God in children; preach the extraordinary events which the Lord Jesus was born into the world as a baby to atone for the sins of mankind. ... More »Christmas: Giving Descending
Authors: Hans AndriasSeek the welfare of the city where I throw you, and pray for the city to the LORD, because welfare is your welfare (Jeremiah 29:7)PreliminaryWe understand the background of the above verse in which the prophet Jeremiah sent a letter to the elders among the exiles, to the priests, prophets, and to all the people that have been carried into captivity by Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon from Jerusalem to Babylon (29 : 1).Once the word of God gives clear instructions to the elect at the time so in a foreign country even if they have to do two tasks call a noble namely: welfare and pray for the city or the places where they exist and they are not allowed to grumble. ... More »Christmas
Writer: Jonathan GoeijNews birthsThen an angel appeared to Zechariah the Lord standing on the right side of the altar of incense. Seeing that he was surprised and became afraid. But the angel said to him: "Fear not, Zacharias: for thy prayer has been granted and Elizabeth, wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall call his name John. (Luke 1:11-13). Zhakaria is a priest who was on duty at the Temple to burn incense. Zhakaria wife, Elizabeth, barren, and both of them are elderly. The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary's return to proclaim the birth of Jesus. Behold, thou shalt conceive and will give birth to a son, and be thou named He is Jesus. (Luke 1:31). Mary was engaged to Joseph, even though they were engaged but not married. ... more »Christmas, Star of Bethlehem
Writer: HerliantoNews of Christmas can not be removed from the city of Bethlehem and the city can not be released from the Bethlehem star, a star that shows the location of the town that purportedly by the Magi as a guide. Data on this star Matthew recorded as follows: "... We have seen his star in the East and are come to worship him." . . . Then Herod secretly called the wise men and asked them carefully, when the star appeared. . . . And behold, the star which they saw in the East preceded them until it came and stopped over the place, where the child was located. When they saw the star, so they were glad. (Matthew 2:1-10). ... More »Christmas
Writer: Jonathan GoeijThe word Christmas has meaning Mass of Christ, which was then shortened to Christ-Mass. Shorter version was first used again Xmas in Europe in the 1500s, derived from the Greek alphabet, X is the first letter of Xristos (Christ) also X represents the cross, be "X-Mass". Christmas is celebrated in various parts of the people Earth on December 25, but in fact Jesus was not born on December 25. ... More »Advent Sunday: Waiting and Introspection
Writer: Weinata SairinUniqueness and richness of a country Indonesia is that the various religions live and grow flowers freely in it. Indonesia is not a state religion that accommodates religious unity, but a Pancasila state that accommodate religious pluralism. Even the state guarantees the independence of each resident to embrace their respective religions and to practice the religion and belief. From empirical experience, relationships among religious believers is progressing well. Mutual help, mutual respect, mutual visits and congratulated each other on religious feast days manifested in everyday life to do these things, they are not governed by the provisions of any legislation, for the reality of it is the actualization of the noble values of the teachings of each religion. Not only five religions are living in Indonesia as it is often claimed the government: Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism and Buddhism. ... More »Reflections on Christmas
Author: Ev. Robin A. SimanjuntakCurrently the Christmas / Christianity has become a lucrative industry for many people. Many Christians who celebrate Christmas is not Christmas and welcome to welcome the baby Jesus, waiting for the arrival of Jesus, preparing for the birth of Jesus, but people only welcome the Christmas day. Christmas was greeted with fanfare and the commercialization of Christmas performed by many business people (Christians also possible) by selling many products related to this Christmas. There's that sell toys, trinkets Christmas carols, Christmas cards etc.. That's the Christmas industry, globalization's Christmas. Are we prepared before Christmas arrives? Well, we tend to prepare for Christmas attributes, symbols of Christmas, Christmas phenomenon that looks phenomenal. In fact, there are many Christians no longer sing Christmas carols. There is a fellowship or church just sang Silent Night as a Christmas song, but the rest is plain common songs. There is a church / fellowship that is no longer preach Christ in Christmas sermon. Is that Christmas? ... More »Around Christmas Census
Writer: HerliantoChristmas still leaves the problem historically questionable due to the fact certain circles, some say that the data is Christmas in Matthew and Luke different, and Luke does not fit the data with data on when the census Josephus, in the days of King Herod (Matthew 2) or the time of Quirinius governor? (Luke 2:2). Rationalism to liberalism in theology has rejected the possibility of assuming all things supernatural, including the birth of Jesus. John Dominic Crossan, Jesus Seminar originator wrote that the Census of Quirinius occurred in 6-7M about a decade after the birth of Jesus and the Roman habit of conducting a census place of residence or work and not at their place of birth (The Historical Jesus, h.371-372) . From the difference is then assumed that Luke fabricated the story of faith into the Christmas fairy tale. ... More »Shepherd-Shepherd in Padang
Writer: Yosi Rorimpandei"In that area there are the shepherds who live in the desert keep their flocks by night."The story of the shepherds of the field, became one of the events are always colored Christmas celebrations in various churches. Luke is presenting this story very well. However, we must remember that Luke never wrote a story apart from the purpose of writing his book. ... More »Santa Claus
Writer: HerliantoWatching the celebration of Christmas 2003 in the event on TV, hotels and malls, we can see there is a prominent characteristic compared to previous years. Now we see many highlighted the figure of Santa Claus, either in fully clothed and just use a red tasseled cap. Good presenters, choirs, singers & dancers, as well as many TV quiz group that uses the symbol of Santa Claus. Who is Santa Claus? ... More »Prophecy fulfilled
Writer: David Martyn Lloyd-JonesThus, we further strengthened by the words which have been delivered by the prophets. It would be nice if you pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place till dawn and star rises in your hearts. 2 Peter 1:19. ... More »The birth story of Jesus Christ According to the Title and the Bible passage
Did you know
Title: Notification of the birth of Jesus; passage: Luke 1:26-38Title: Mary and Elizabeth; passage: Luke 1:39-45Title: Singing praises of Mary; passage: Luke 1:46-56Title: The Birth of Jesus; passage: Luke 2:1-7Title: The Birth of Jesus Christ; passage: Matthew 1:18-25Title: The shepherds and angels; passage: Luke 2:8-20Title: The magi from the East; passage: Matthew 2:1-12 ... more »Origin of the Christmas Tree
Where did the origin of the tradition of the Christmas tree put up? It seems nobody knows for sure who started the tradition to celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus, but there are quite a lot of legends / stories that circulated among Christians themselves, among which are:The experience of "supernatural" St.. Boniface... More »Cry and smile Christmas
Authors: Julius Cardinal DarmaatmadjaChildren cry baby born in Bethlehem of Mary broke the silence of Christmas Eve. For Christians, this cry of a bell which indicated all-important event in human history. God is very concerned about the situation sinful man came as Savior.Babies cry Son of Mary is a bell-bearer who is also the Good News proclaimed by the angels to the shepherds, "Do not be afraid because actually I'm preaching to great fondness for the entire nation: this day has been born for you Saviour, who is Christ the Lord, in the City of David. And hereby you. You will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. " And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly army, praising God. He said, "Glory to God in place of the Most High, and peace on earth among men that are pleasing to Him" (Lk 2:8-14). ... More »Twelve Days of Christmas in Asia
Christmas is celebrated on a large scale in America. People also celebrate with a spirited atheist. Although many Americans regard Christmas as a time to focus on the birth of Jesus Christ, almost everyone think of it as the season for shopping. Not surprisingly, Christmas is also a major event in Asia. I have been in Asia for the past seven Christmas celebrations, namely in Singapore, Thailand, and Sri Lanka, once in Korea, and the rest in America. Christmas celebrations every experience has its own privileges. Every experience is different from the experience of the celebration of Christmas in America, and each is different. Leon writes Howell as stipulated Rays of Hope.In addition to the excitement when he saw the fake snow on the windows of various department stores in Bangkok, the celebration of Christmas that I experienced in Asia is very different than in America. First, Asia's tropical weather is always hot, very hot. Swim in the open air at Christmas fun, but somewhat less precise. Not to mention that occurred in Singapore, when I was handing out Christmas presents outside a kindergarten, I was too hot to wear clothes of Santa Claus.In America, on Christmas day should be cold, very cold, and snow fell everywhere, like in Korea. Actually, I rarely see snow on the Christmas season in America. However, the idea of snow exceeds the reality, and therefore the song sung by Bing Crosby I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas is one of America's best-selling recording songs. ... More »Manger, Signs for group Untouchables
By: Erick Sudharma"Today has been born for you Saviour, who is Christ the Lord, in the city of David. And this is a sign unto you: Ye shall find a baby ... lying in a manger" (Luke 2:11-12).'Then they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph and the baby, who was lying in a manger "(Luke 2:16).Every parent would want their children to be born in a place that's best, with the help of qualified doctors and nurses, as well as with a sip of service, satisfactory. Even if eventually their baby to be born in the midst of poverty and the handling of medical facilities, it is of necessity, because they could not afford the cost of delivery is very stifling in the hospital. ... More »Being Rich Poor, Poor to Become Rich
By: Erick Sudharma"For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that He who became poor for your sakes, though He was rich, so that you became rich by his poverty" (2 Corinthians 8:9).Some say, the greatest Christian holiday is not Christmas, but Easter. Try, which is more important, his birth or resurrection?My answer is, both are equally important! Indeed, Christmas is nothing without Easter. However, remember, Easter is also not possible without Christmas! ... More »Lord Recurring Year in Wood Cross
By: Erick Sudharma"For the Son of man came not to be served but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many" (Mark 1o :4-5)What does a tangga1 December 25? For our family, a lot. The first, obviously, that's Christmas. When remembering and celebrating the birth of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ.Secondly, it is also the birthday of our second daughter. His name, Kristi Asteria. That is, the Star of Christ. The name was perpetuating our expectations, presumably its presence in the midst of this world to repeat the story of the Christmas star that brought people to meet the Savior. ... More »Updating the Divine trip
By: Sutrisna"And Zechariah, father, filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied, saying: Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he is his people and bring deliverance for him" (Luke 1:67-68)Christmas is an event in which God his people. Divine tour brings renewal in people who are involved in it. One of them, Zechariah.Who was Zechariah? He was a priest, a descendant of Aaron, the tribe of Levi. It stems from Abia entourage. According to 1 Chronicles 24:1-6, the priests were divided into 24 groups to serve in the Temple. Group of Abijah, where Zacharias included in it, is one of the two-twenty-four troupe (v. 10). Each group served two times a year, each time for one week.Zechariah has a wife who comes from the descendants of the priests also, which is Elizabeth. Both are described as people who are "righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless" (Luke 1:6). The phrase is not meant to express their perfection, but their faithfulness in serving God. ... More »History of Christmas Song
When we trace the history of Christmas songs is tantamount to trace the decline of the church riligius powers in relation to humans. In medieval clergy was used to intervene not only in religious affairs but also the affairs of state. That way, the use of the hymns of the church and around him as well as the customs and church activities require approval from the institutional church. ... More »Watchmaker
In Germany there lived a watchmaker. His name is Herman Joseph. He lived in a narrow room. In the room there is a workbench, a cabinet where the wood and tooling work, a shelf for extra plates and cups as well as a cot under his bench. ... More »Being the birth of Jesus = God Contextualization Service
To win as many people for Christ, Paul was willing to make himself a servant to all people. In his letter to the Corinthians, Paul said:"To the Jews I became as a Jew, that I may win the Jews. For people who live under the law I became like the people who live under the law, even though I myself do not live under the law, so that I can win those who live under the law. For people who do not live under the law I became like a person who does not live under the law, even if I do not live outside the law of God, because I live under the law of Christ , so that I can win those who do not live under the law. For people who are weak I became as weak people, so I can save those who are weak. For all those I have become all things to the extent possible so that I won a few person from among them. " (1Corinthians 9:19-23). ... More »The Origin of Christmas Gift
After Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of King Herod, there came wise men from the East to Jerusalem and wondered: "Where is He, the king of the Jews who had just been born that? We have seen his star in the East and we come to worship him. " So they entered into the house and saw the child with Mary his mother, then fall down and worship Him. So they opened the place and offered sacrifice their possessions to Him, namely gold, frankincense and myrrh. (Matthew 2:1-2, 11) ... more »Artificial Christmas Trees
Towards the end of the 1800s, came the traditional Christmas tree species include: artificial Christmas trees. This artificial tree native of Germany. Trees are made of metal wire is covered with feathers large duck, turkey, ostrich, or a goose. The feathers are painted green to resemble pine needles sharp. ... More »Christmas: The Birth of Crown Prince
Just imagine you're sitting in a theater waiting for the show that must be watched this year. Red screen was opened, and a sentence appears on the screen:"With the arrival of Jesus, the Messiah, that Fateful dilemma is resolved" (Romans 8:1, The Message).(Compare with the Biblical version of the BIS below: "Now there is no condemnation to those who live in union with Christ Jesus" (Romans 8:1, NIV).)Erghh, it's not like a decent opening line, but more suited installed before writing The End! Indeed .... ... More »Christmas Tree
Of the many Christmas customs, the first shadow of what came to your mind? Of the many ways, think of the most common things to celebrate Christmas?It's hard to imagine Christmas without a Christmas tree. But his appearance on the homes are new habit started during two or three hundred years ago. Before that, Christians tend to put the tree in the church, the tree is usually left without decorated.What symbolized the Tree?Why there's actually a Christmas tree? ... More »Children manger
November 2006Umbu ReyToday I asked his office colleagues sitting around my desk. What does the word "manger". Everything shook his head did not understand. All they know is the word "convert" because often stuck in the ear. ... More »A Different Christmas
Reading: Matthew 25:31-46Inasmuch as you did it to one of my brothers the least of these, ye did it to me (Matt. 25:40). ... More »When was Jesus Born?After Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of King Herod, there came wise men from the East to Jerusalem and wondered: "Where is He, the king of the Jews who had just been born that? We have seen his star in the East and we come to worship him. " So they entered into the house and saw the child with Mary his mother, then fall down and worship Him. So they opened the place and offered sacrifice their possessions to Him, namely gold, frankincense and myrrh. (Matthew 2:1-2, 11) ... more »Artificial Christmas Trees
Towards the end of the 1800s, came the traditional Christmas tree species include: artificial Christmas trees. This artificial tree native of Germany. Trees are made of metal wire is covered with feathers large duck, turkey, ostrich, or a goose. The feathers are painted green to resemble pine needles sharp. ... More »Christmas: The Birth of Crown Prince
Just imagine you're sitting in a theater waiting for the show that must be watched this year. Red screen was opened, and a sentence appears on the screen:"With the arrival of Jesus, the Messiah, that Fateful dilemma is resolved" (Romans 8:1, The Message).(Compare with the Biblical version of the BIS below: "Now there is no condemnation to those who live in union with Christ Jesus" (Romans 8:1, NIV).)Erghh, it's not like a decent opening line, but more suited installed before writing The End! Indeed .... ... More »Christmas Tree
Of the many Christmas customs, the first shadow of what came to your mind? Of the many ways, think of the most common things to celebrate Christmas?It's hard to imagine Christmas without a Christmas tree. But the emergence in the houses is a habit that started during the two or three hundred years ago. Before that, Christians tend to put the tree in the church, the tree is usually left without decorated.What symbolized the Tree?Why there's actually a Christmas tree? ... More »Children manger
November 2006Umbu ReyToday I asked his office colleagues sitting around my desk. What does the word "manger". Everything shook his head did not understand. All they know is the word "convert" because often stuck in the ear. ... More »A Different Christmas
Reading: Matthew 25:31-46Inasmuch as you did it to one of my brothers the least of these, ye did it to me (Matt. 25:40). ... More »When was Jesus Born?
From mid-November, the atmosphere of Christmas has begun exhaled by shopping centers in major cities. At that time the church itself may be a new form of Christmas committee. As if not wanting to lose the time, the business world, through the snowy fir tree decorations, reindeer and sleigh and gift prizes to give a psychological boost to the prospective buyer to immediately shop. ... More »Christmas is "D-Day"
There are two kinds of view of history. The first, the history of the circle. History is seen as a series of events that spins and over again without direction and purpose. As the velocity of the sun or moon, is the velocity history of events that can not be coherent. History is like a circle that is not inexhaustible. What was once lost will come back to later disappear and then reappear again. ... More »A Christmas Tradition Teacher
Since Christmas 1971, I always think back to a former small box and its contents are valuable. It's like my personal holiday traditions. I remember about the true meaning of giving and love is not selfish. ... More »New usability Christmas Tree
Trees located next to the porch appear blank on the first Sunday in December at Christ Church Titusville (Pennsylvania). But before Christmas, the branches of trees that have started hung with an assortment of cards posted by members of the church. On each card was written a good deed done by a writer who wants to others. ... More »To Worship Sujud
Wise men seldom miss the story or Christmas cards. You certainly never see a picture showing the three wise men kneeling before the manger with Mary, Joseph and the shepherds. Good picture but actually it is also less precise. There are at least four things in the picture is actually less unfounded is that (1) magi came at the same time with the pastor, (2) they came to the manger, (3) they numbered three, and (4) they met with Joseph. [Red: also note this in your teaching at BC.] ... More »An anticipation and expectation fulfillment (Isaiah 40:27-31)
Great fear and anxiety in the face of the pressing problems of this life can make people hesitate even no longer trust the power and love of God. In that case, we often say to yourself, and perhaps also to others, "If God is Almighty and Merciful, He should be able to prevent myself from this situation: but, why did he not do? I wonder if God is actually does not and has no power to control and change everything in this life? What's the point still holds and hope in Him? " ... More »Christmas, Time to Dig Memories
Story / Testimony
One summer, my family gave the job to a wanderer though we suspect that the drinker. In the fall, he left us, but at Christmas, a Christmas card sent from places hundreds of miles away - no message is written, there is only a signature. Then in the spring, he came to see us. ... More »Christmas story? Ah, So Only .... Also Most
By: Wiji SuprayogiMany times I find Christmas meeting which decided toevent replaces the Christmas story in the form of the story of Jesus' birthwith another story. The presumption that arises is all already memorizedand all can read in the Bible, so no need anymorediscuss it. "At least her story-that too, so we replace mendingwith other stories more exciting and interesting church, "socomments a few people.I tried to read the story of the birth of Jesus a few times, and I gotsome lessons. I do not really remember whether some of the lessons ... more »Three Symbols of Christmas
There are three symbols that mean Christmas - a truly meaningful Christmas.The first is a baby crib. With these words are easyunderstood by humans, the Bible describes God in the formman! In the figure of a little baby! There, in Bethlehem,in a cradle that contains the hope and the dream world that isdying. Small hands and chubby that mengenggam straw inHis manger it will heal a blind eye, eardeaf, and relieve the ocean malignancy. The little legs would ... more »Helping Children in Finding the True Meaning of Christmas
Christmas! The word itself has reflected the feelings of tremendous joy. In each place there are many things that remind of this joyous day. But make sure that children know what the real meaning of Christmas is joy. ... More »Christ Is All
"Christ is all and in all things" (Col. 3:11 b)The words in this statement a little, compact, and fast finish when spoken. But these words full of meaning for the true believers. These words are the basis and essence of Christianity. If we understand it in our hearts, then we can be sure that our faith is leading us in the right direction. That's why I want to discuss this remarkable statement. Whoever the pursuit of holiness will not progress, unless Christ were given the correct place in their minds. ... More »Jesus taught to Young Children Through Christmas
Parents or teachers usually provide the most important influences in the spiritual development of their children. This spiritual development including responsibility and opportunity. In terms of responsibility, parents are commanded by God to teach their children about God and love Him (Deuteronomy 4:10; 6:7). In terms of opportunity, children tend to see their parents "like gods" in terms of power and trust. ... More »Leadership of the Eastern Star
Christmas is an important moment: the moment where we are once again reminded that a baby had been born, a baby who became the Savior of us all.As we see in general, there are many ways to commemorate this special moment. Call it a Christmas drama performances are held in churches and Sunday school, worship Christmas, or even games that relate to the birth of Jesus. All were held and executed every year to enliven the atmosphere of Christmas, especially those to back up to what the actual meaning of Christmas. ... More »Merry Christmas Everyone .....
The events of Jesus' birth is the beginning of salvation history, culminating in the work of salvation is the passion, death and resurrection. Coming of Christ has been repeatedly proclaimed to mankind and is written in the Old Testament, and its fulfillment is a sign of God's steadfast love for us. ... More »How Jesus Birth Date?
Some are investigating that Jesus Christ was born around September or October (coinciding with the feast of Tebernakel / Sukkot).If you want to investigate, you can start from this verse ...Luke 1:5,"In the days of Herod, king of Judea, was a priest named Zechariah of Abia entourage. His wife was a descendant of Aaron, her name was Elizabeth."Then ...1 Chronicles 24:10,"The seventh in Hakos; the eighth to Abijah;"Description: ... more »Was Jesus Born On December 25?
1. The most appropriate way to find out the birth of Jesus Christ is to see the biblical statements on Zechariah, father of John the Baptist. Read Luke 1:5, this verse has a very large.Luke 1:5 In the days of Herod, king of Judea, was a priest named Zechariah of Abia entourage. His wife was a descendant of Aaron, named Elizabeth. ... More »Twenty-five December
Entering the month of December, all the Christians and the church was busy preparing to commemorate Christmas. How far will we know the date which is always celebrated as Christmas Day?Year of Birth of JesusTwenty-five December
Entering the month of December, all the Christians and the church was busy preparing to commemorate Christmas. How far will we know the date which is always celebrated as Christmas Day?Year of Birth of JesusWe and the international date every year always puts Christmas on the 25th day of December, and told our Sunday School children's date of birth of Jesus. Some people (including one of the mass media published in Jakarta recently), with the idea that in English there is the term 'Before Christ (BC)' or 'BC (BC)' to refer to the years before the birth of Jesus and 'Anno Domini (AD)' or 'AD (M)' for years afterwards, that they thought Jesus was born right at the year 0 AD. When in fact the year 0 BC and / or year 0 AD never existed. So if so, what year Jesus was born? Others have held that year is the year 4 BC birth of Jesus. Why is that? Is not the use of 'AD' is to separate the years before and after the birth of Jesus?According to Flavius Josephus, a historian who lived during the years 37-100 AD (so not too far from the life of Jesus), it is known that Herod mentioned in Matthew 2:1 "... ... .... at the time of King Herod ... ... "is Herod the Great, who lived from 73-4 BCE. King Herod is why Jesus was evacuated to Egypt. Only after his death, Jesus returned from the evacuation (see Matthew 2:19-20). Thus it can be concluded, that Jesus was born at least a few years or months before 4 BC And according to the prevalent notion, the birth of Jesus is between year 8 and year 5 BCIs it true that Jesus' Birth Year 5 s.M.?At that time, years in the Roman Empire was calculated from the anniversary of the founding of Rome. The Roman year called AUC, Ab Urbe Condita stands, which means 'since the founding of the city'. Then in the 6th century, by order of Emperor Justinian, a monk named Dionysius Exigius create a new calendar. It replaces the calculation of the Roman year with the solar year, which starts from the birth of Jesus. But then later discovered that he made the mistake count. He places the birth of Jesus in the year 753 AUC, when it should be in the year 749 or 747 AUC. This mistake is irreversible. And until now we had already used in the calculation of Dionysius, which was actually four or five years behind the reality of Jesus' birth.Then What about His birth month?If we look at the map, then we will find that Israel is located in the north of the equator, almost parallel with Japan, which means the month of December is the winter. What about the Gospel accounts that describe the shepherds on the night of Jesus' birth in Luke 2:8 ".... The shepherds who live in the desert keep their flocks by night"? This shows that the birth of Jesus was certainly not in December.Someone named Clement of Alexandria made the calculation that Jesus was born on the 25th of Pachon, which is dated May 20. But it was not a certainty.Why We Do not Got A Sure Date of Birth of Jesus?At that time, celebrate a birthday is just the prevalence of the unbelievers. The only birthday we read in the New Testament is the anniversary of Herod Antipas (see Matthew 14:6). And the church at that time were not celebrating the birth of Jesus but His resurrection. Recently around the 3rd century, Christians in Egypt began to celebrate Christmas. The date used was January 6, coinciding with a public holiday.The new church in Rome began celebrating Christmas in the late 4th century, and the selected date is December 25. Election date is to give new content to the pagan celebration that welcomes the return of the sun into the northern hemisphere. Not long after the habit of celebrating Christmas on December 25 that was emulated by churches elsewhere. And until now, Christmas is celebrated every year on December 25 by almost all churches.Children's Sunday School critical might ask: If so why can not we recalculate, or follow the calculation of Clement, which is celebrating Christmas on the 20th of May alone?With all humility and does not intend to patronize, here are some things I can share and perhaps could serve as an example the answers to such questions:1. Calculation Clement mentions that Jesus was born on May 20, but it was not to be true. Why we should use the date that kebenarannyapun still doubt?2. Generally speaking, been going on for centuries, Christmas was celebrated in December, exactly on December 25, why do we need to specify the date of the celebration itself, other than another?3. Errors of this calculation must be no interference and with the permission of God, because it shows that God does not allow people to better prioritize or rather mengkeramatkan specific date more than others; that eventually it will forget that grace, His love and grace are always new and terlimpah every day. As a comparison we can see that Christ's death or remembrance of Easter, is not determined by a certain date but by the day.Or calculation of the one day that we use today, ie morning-evening, which change from one day record of the calculations which God gives (see Genesis 1:5, 8, 13, etc. "... be evening, morning were the days ....")4. Is not the reality for this already well underway, that many churches are not exactly carry out the celebration of Christmas on December 25th?5. Error in the date of celebrating Christmas, it will not affect our faith and salvation.More mainstream, and especially to think about, is emphasized and taught in the celebration of Christmas is a gift or commitment what will we give as an offering to Christ, when we commemorate His birth day?So now the creativity of teachers and time (age) is appropriate is required to teach this to children's Sunday School, so as not to make them actually become confused and end up losing the sense / the true meaning of the incarnation of Christ into this world.Taken from various sources Author: George David Pakpahan Site Name:
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