MELBOURNE - Thousands of Australians held demonstrations demanding Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard to permanently stop the export of live cattle to Indonesia and a number of countries in the Middle East.
Rallies initiated by the Community Animal Lovers of Australia and the Greens (Green Party) is done in front of the Victorian State Parliament House in the City of Melbourne, Sunday (14/08/2011) local time.
The protest follows the news in Australia's National TV station, ABC Four Corner in the event a few months ago, which show cattle slaughter in Indonesia are carried out ruthlessly.
Coverage is getting a strong reaction from the Australian public, which is followed by the local government's decision to stop while live cattle exports to foreign countries.
On Thursday next week, lawmakers are scheduled to meet with the agenda to discuss lifting the temporary ban exports of live cattle.
Reported in a number of Australia's national media that the Federal government supported the labor party is likely to lift a ban on live cattle exports. While the green party is the minority party in Australia, demanding that the decision it was decided to permanently ban.
One protester said Lyn White in his oration, there was no reason for Prime Minister Julia Gillard not to ban the trade in live animals. He claimed to have gone to Uni Arab Emirates and Indonesia, witnessed the Australian cattle slaughtered brutally in these countries.
In Australia, livestock including leading export commodity in addition to mining and industry. Pengehentian while livestock exports have exacerbated the economic conditions of these kangaroos State. While Indonesia is the main purpose of export of cattle from Australia.
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