Numbness kesel bngt sm which I love skrng nmnya! Arrgghh nyesel severe udh prnh knl sm nmnya who love, mndingn jdi ank sd lgi ajh gk yg tau dech apa2 tntng love it! It was killed tau penbet gk tuh cwo, liver diksh asked her heart! Instead dibaikin gtu kya, what he want to try? hah! * * Turn diputusin emositingkatujiannasional ngerengek2 requested feedback nelfon smbil cry -, - dead sea sono aje lu! more bgus so temen ajhlah'm not thinking about love dlu Quote kya gtu taste! Taxable new karma cengong njjiirrr lu. Lgian jga bnyk koq mash well and syng lbh who dri pda lu. Klo could tuh kya lgunya ST12 Look At My Girlfriend. akakakak: D
Sorry nmnya klo yg gk i love mah prnh who cry or something outside the SNA cwe2 lebay kya! Anyway i used to ajh, CMN Quote cwo outrageous nature tuh me kesel abiissss bru! Why nangisin yg gk lu's important, I msh pnya kluarga who syng my sm, sahabat2 me:) and sampling reply tuh My precious Jesus:)
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